Monday, December 20, 2010

I Made It!!!

This weekend, I finally graduated with my Bachelor's Degree!!  It was such a special day for me and my family - such a great feeling of relief and happiness! I had so many emotions running through me and even shed a few tears of joy. Here are some pics from my graduation and beautiful party planned by my parents and Carlos, a HUGE thank you to them! We definitely celebrated!!

I couldn't have ended the year in a better way - full of pure happiness and surrounded by people who love me! I'm looking forward to 2011!!


  1. Dearest Valerie! Congratulations on this wonderful achievement! You have worked so hard to earn that diploma and it is indeed a great way to end the year and move right into all the holiday celebrations! You are probably the hardest-working person I have ever met and I can only wish that I would have half your energy and your bubbly personality. You are always a joy to be around and I feel honored to count you as my friend... I miss you very much and I cannot wait to see you again in the future... With much love,
    Moi ;)

  2. Thank you for those sweet words! I am the lucky one to have YOU as a friend! I miss you very much also - all the great talks, the random lunches, and good times! Hopefully, we will see each other sooner rather than later! lot's of hugs and kisses to you, hope you have a MERRY CHRISTMAS with your family!
